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Text File  |  1995-02-12  |  6.5 KB  |  47 lines

  1. "Coordinate System and Observing Questions",43
  2. "What is the name of the point directly overhead?","meridian pole","zenith","magnavox","nadir","zenith",""
  3. "The sun rises due east and sets due west on what day?","summer soltice","vernal equinox","winter soltice","1st day of winter","vernal equinox",""
  4. "What is the axis about which the stars appear to rotate?","meridian","galactic pole","celestial pole","zenith","celestial pole",""
  5. "If a great circle pases through the zenith and the celestial pole, it is called...","a vector","nadir","celestial equator","meridian","meridian",""
  6. "A circular orbit can be defined with how many elemets?","2","3","4","5","3",""
  7. "Ideally, the horizon makes what angle with respect to the zenith?","45 degrees","0 degrees","90 degrees","30 degrees","90 degrees",""
  8. "The north celestial pole appears to be located near which bright star?","Deneb","Capella","Polaris","Sigma Octanis","Polaris","ursamin.rle"
  9. "When an object appears to cross the meridian it is said to..","migrate","culminate","occult","eclipse","culminate",""
  10. "The 'declination' of an object is an angle measured from...","the celestial equator","the ecliptic","the great circle","the celestial pole","the celestial equator",""
  11. "The south celestial pole appears to be located near which bright star?","Polaris","Sigma Octanis","Omega Octanis","Alpha Centauri","Sigma Octanis",""
  12. "If an object's visual brightness is six times that of another star, what is the visual magnitude difference?","2","2.5","3","3.5","2",""
  13. "One complete orbit of the Earth around the Sun is properly called ...","a solar year","a sidereal year","an ecliptic year","a tropical year","a sidereal year",""
  14. "If an object's observed altitude is 10 degrees, the object is located ...","in the southern hemisphere","near the horizon","near zenith","near the nadir","near the horizon",""
  15. "The celestial sphere rotates ...","from north to south","from west to east","from east to west","does not rotate","from east to west",""
  16. "The declination of a celestial object is normally defined in what units?","decimal degrees","degrees, minutes and seconds","hours, minutes and seconds of arc","radians","degrees, minutes and seconds",""
  17. "The time between successive transits of a given star at a given location is termed what?","a solar day","a sidereal day","a tropical day","a sidereal year","a sidereal day",""
  18. "If a star is located in a direction near the observer's zenith, it's altitude is ...","near 0 degrees","near 90 degrees","near 180 degrees","near 360 degrees","near 90 degrees",""
  19. "The intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator is called..","international date line","meridian","latitude","equinox","equinox",""
  20. "As viewed in the northern hemisphere, the summer soltice is ...","the longest day","the shortest day","hottest day of the year","the day with equal light and dark","the longest day",""
  21. "The term 'vernal' refers to what?","winter","summer","fall","spring","spring",""
  22. "One 'magnitude' difference in light intensity is equivalent to what ratio of light?","2","2.5","3","3.5","2.5",""
  23. "The declnation of Sagittarius is ....","near zenith in the northern hemisphere","less than 0 degrees","less than 0 hours","greater than 0 degrees","less than 0 degrees",""
  24. "The projection of the Earth's orbit upon the celestial sphere is called...","the outer boundry","the meridian","the galactic equator","the ecliptic","the ecliptic",""
  25. "What is the time it takes the Sun to transit the meridian since the last transit?","a sidereal day","a meridian day","a solar day","a mean solar day","a solar day",""
  26. "Which direction does the Sun's surface appear to rotate?","east to west","north to south","it does not rotate","west to east","east to west",""
  27. "The time term abbreviation 'a.m.' means what?","anti-modicum","after morning","ante-meridian","alpha meridian","ante-meridian",""
  28. "The slow 'wobbling' of the Earth's axis of rotation is called..","ablation","precession","wobbling","ante-rotation","precession",""
  29. "Which of the following latitudes passes most nearly through the middile of the continental U.S.?","30 degrees","20 degrees","40 degrees","50 degrees","40 degrees",""
  30. "Above the Artic Circle, what happens in the winter season?","the aurora zone increases","some days have continuous daylight","the Ozone precipitates","some days have continuous darkness","some days have continuous darkness",""
  31. "The time-associated abbreviation 'p.m.' means what?","peri-morning","post-morning","post-meridian","","post-meridian",""
  32. "The 'altitude' of the north celestial pole is..","same as the observer's latitude","same as the observer's zenith","90 degrees minus the latitude","180 degrees minus the latitude","same as the observer's latitude",""
  33. "If an object's declination is -10 degrees, does an observer at the matching zenith stand in the northern or southern hemisphere?","northern","southern","","","southern",""
  34. "The closest point of an object's orbit to the Sun occurs at what position?","Apehelion","Eccentricity","Inclination","Perihelion","Perihelion","sun.bmp"
  35. "The 'azimuth' of the north celestial pole is at what angle?","90 degrees","0 degrees","180 degrees","45 degrees","0 degrees",""
  36. "In the continental U.S., does the ecliptic ever reach directly overhead?","yes","no","","","no",""
  37. "The 'azimuth' of a point due east of the observer is at what angle?","90 degrees","0 degrees","180 degrees","45 degrees","90 degrees",""
  38. "How many parameters are required to define the location of an eliptical orbit?","3","4","5","6","5",""
  39. "If a planet crosses the meridian near midnight local time, it is..","near conjunction","near opposition","near occultation","near anti-precession","near opposition",""
  40. "The 'right ascention' of an object is measured in units of..","hours, minutes, seconds","degrees","fractional hours","degrees, minutes, seconds","hours, minutes, seconds",""
  41. "The 'declination' of Arcturus is nearest to which of the following?","90 degrees","0 degrees","-90 degrees","-45 degrees","0 degrees",""
  42. "When an object crosses the meridian, the time since the vernal equinox crossed the meridian is known as..","equinox time","right ascention","sidereal time","mean solar time","right ascention",""
  43. "What is the azimuth of the Earth's 'south pole'?","90 degrees","180 degrees","270 degrees","0 degrees","180 degrees",""
  44. "What is the altitude of the Earth's 'south pole' from your northern hemisphere location?","same as your latitude","same as your longitude","- your latitude","180 - your longitude","- your latitude",""
  45. "12 February 1995"
  46. "19:56:36"